Love Spell With Underwear To Relieve The Relationship

 welcome to my website.  If you are learning white magic and you come to my website often, I think you will like these spells with underwear very much. If it's the first time that you read something about me, or about White Magic, I hope you come back soon and follow me on my social networks! This website, with the help of your collaborations, has become a reliable guide to finding free effective Love Spells. 

Before starting the Love Spell:

The first rule to start this ritual is to do it when you are alone. It is necessary that you execute the spells in the privacy of your home, in a room, or in some area where you feel comfortable. This way we will avoid interruptions that seriously affect the result of the spell. In addition, it is recommended to perform an energy cleansing to eliminate negative vibrations that may interfere during our spell.

  • Prepare all the necessary materials for the selected ritual. You will have to observe the elements that you are going to need, to obtain them before starting this.
  • You must be relaxed. Take your time to be calm. In this way, you will calmly perform the ritual and ensure that there is no mistake.
  • Create the necessary energies. In a love spell, our body and our mind come together to generate those vibrations so necessary to move the energy correctly. This can only be achieved if we visualize what we want. Channeling our forces in a positive way towards the universe and thinking about what we want will be essential.
  • Get ​​the necessary materials. Each material fulfills a specific purpose in each spell. It cannot be substituted or replaced by others.
  • Follow the directions to the letter. Both the steps of each ritual and the aspects specified at the beginning of the spell are those that determine the most appropriate time to do it. There are some that indicate a day, time, or moon phase, for example.
  • Absolute faith. Love spells need love and faith. You must believe in yourself and in that feeling, so that you can launch your energies into the universe, which will catch them and emit a positive response.
  • Be very clear about your intentions. You must be clear in your mind about the goal you want to achieve: you can't have one intention today and another tomorrow.
  • Stay focused and avoid distractions. To achieve one hundred percent mind in the ritual I recommend that you turn off all electronic devices. This will prevent you from being distracted during your task.
  • Patience. You should know that love spells take time. Do not despair. Doubts cannot take hold of you.
  • Once the ritual is finished, continue with your life as normal. When we finish a ritual, we do not have to keep turning this spell in our heads. The further you move your mind away from the work done and forget about it, the quicker the changes will take place.

Are you Ready? Let the magic begin

Love Tie with Underwear to Make Him Come Back

If you are looking for a loved one to return to your life and give you the opportunity to start again from scratch, this spell is the ideal one. Along with your partner's underwear, urine is another element with high energy power. Both will be essential to perform this ritual. In addition to:
  • 1 sheet of paper.
  • 1 red pen.
  • 1 green candle.
  • A few drops of your urine.
  • Wooden matches.
  • Red cloth bag.
  • 1 undergarment.
Before starting to show you the procedure, it is necessary to point out that urine does not work as a condiment or as an antidote. It is simply used as a conductor of energy as it is a fluid that has emanated from our body.

How to perform this powerful love tie with underwear:
1. You will take your intimate garment and put it in front of the green candle.
2. Light the candle with a wooden match. It is essential that when you light your candle your intention is focused on the return of your partner. The green candle dissolves the bad energies that could have caused the relationship to not flow.
3. Take the sheet and the red pen and write your ex's name and yours. Surround them with a heart.
4. Now put a few drops of your urine in your underwear. Place the paper on top.
5. Next, fold it and put three more drops on top.
6. Carefully fold the paper and seal it with a few drops of the liquid candle wax. Store everything in a red cloth bag in your bedroom.

Love Spell for a Second Chance

If the loved one has left our side and we want to get a second chance, this spell is appropriate. We will ask the universe to grant us to be able to repair our mistakes, learn from them, and never make them again. These are the materials you need for this powerful love ritual:
  • 1 undergarment.
  • 1 white chalk.
  • 1 photograph of both.
  • 1 glass jar with a lid.
  • 1 stick of vanilla incense.
  • Wooden matches.
  • 6 small red candles.

The steps are very simple. Take note!
  1. Find a place outdoors where you can be in peace, alone, and without interruptions. Mark a large circle on the ground with chalk and put six small red candles around it. Try to leave the same space between each of them.
  2. Stand inside the circle and light all the candles. In this step, you need to focus on visualizing the return of that loved one. To do this, keep a photograph of the two of you and your underwear close to you.
  3. Next, light the incense with the flame of the first candle you have lit and wait for it to release some smoke.
  4. Now purify that circle where you are. He simply turns the incense stick around you as he repeats: «I invoke you a universal spirit so that you grant the necessary power to this ritual, for which I thank you and offer you these gifts.»
  5. Next, you will have to get the smoke from the incense to penetrate the glass bottle and quickly, put the garment and the photograph from step two into the jar. Close the container with its corresponding lid.
  6. Once this step is done, it is time to observe the bottle while you recite aloud: «May my essence and your essence be one, that you return to my side and our hearts unite again, without any harm."
  7. Finally, keep the container with everything in a safe place. Repeat this ritual for a total of seven days.

Love Spell With Underwear To Relieve The Relationship

If the love between you two is true, but you are having a bad streak, the next spell will strengthen your love and stoke the passion. For this spell you will have to use:
  • 1 undergarment of yours.
  • 1 underwear for your partner.
  • Paper.
  • Red pen.
  • Cinnamon powder.
  • Honey
  • 1 red ribbon.
  • 1 white candle.
  • Wooden matches.
  1. We will start by lighting the white candle with a wooden match. It is essential that you do it with a match since the energy will be diminished if you light it with a lighter.
  2. Next, draw a heart on the paper with the red pen. Inside it, write the name of our partner and on top of it. You will have to repeat this step nine more times above what you have already written down.
  3. Pour a little honey and cinnamon on the paper.
  4. Once you have completed the previous step, carefully fold the paper while repeating the following sentence seven times: "I (your name) summon the universe in its unconditional and immense love, so that (his or her name) and I will be united in true love".
  5. Finish by folding the two undergarments as if it were a package. Use the red ribbon to tie them together. Place it under the bed where you sleep.

Love Tie With Underwear to Attract That Person

You love that person and you can't stop thinking about him, but he or she has no eyes for you. Give it a little push with this simple strong tie of love with underwear. It's a spell for people who do not have a partner, as it will attract love.

What elements will you need?
  • 1 intimate garment of yours.
  • 1 stick of rose incense.
  • Essential rose oil.
  • 1 glass jar with a lid.
  • Wooden matches.

The steps you will have to carry out are:
  1. We will start this ritual by lighting the rose incense with a wooden match and making circles to purify the place. Remember to make this love tie in a quiet area where nobody can interrupt you. It will allow you to focus and the energies you release to the universe to be much more powerful.
  2. Next, take the intimate garment and place three drops of rose essence.
  3. Then, three times, pass the underwear over the smoke of the rose incense while reciting the following sentence aloud: «Come to me, my dear love. May love to be part of our life. I thank the universe for it. Concentrate on visualizing that person, the forces they release will be more powerful.
  4. Then, take the glass jar and turn it upside down to fill it with the smoke from the incense.
  5. Immediately insert the underwear and cover the bottle. Leave the undergarment inside for a day.
  6. Lastly, wear that garment the next day.

Love Spell with Clothes To Tie a Man

Do you want to seduce that man? If that person doesn't notice you and you want the conditions to be favorable and start looking, the following ritual is appropriate for your situation. The universe will help us achieve our purpose. For this we will need to collect the following elements:
  • 1 piece of your underwear.
  • Drops of your favorite perfume.
  • 1 picture of the man.
  • Ground cinnamon.

You will have to execute the following steps in the indicated order. Do it at night so that the influence of the moon helps you generate those powerful energies, specifically with a full moon. Focus on visualizing a person continuously while you perform the ritual.
  1. Start taking the intimate garment and spread on the flat surface where we are executing the spell.
  2. Put three drops of your favorite perfume trying to make a triangle with it.
  3. Inside this, sprinkle ground cinnamon and, in the center, put the photograph of that man that you love.
  4. Next, for a minute think about positive moments with that person.
  5. Once you have imagined these love situations, you should repeat the following sentence out loud with your eyes closed: «As I want to be yours, you will be mine, without harm, if the universe wants it to be like this, so be it. »
  6. To finish, fold the intimate clothing as if it were a gift. Make sure that both the ingredients and the photo are inside. Store it in your bedroom, in a closet drawer that is not accessible to anyone.

Hoodoo Love Spell with Underwear 

We will see how to make a spell with lingerie using an old Hoodoo practice.

Hoodoo is a type of witchcraft that is used for practical purposes. For example, one of the most common goals is to cast Love Spells. Today I will explain how easy and safely you can cast a hoodoo spell at home.

You should know that now, in current terms, the magic of love has adopted an approach very "safe" and "harmless". Hoodoo inherits its ethical codes of the practical African Magic brought to the new world by slaves and held by his descendants. In a nutshell, if you want to get something, then work to win it and make no harm to anyone. We are not going to discuss whether or not these practices are ethical. We will simply see some spells of love with underwear.

Spell with underwear for your man to keep loving you

Get a piece of his underwear without washing. Bury it along with your photo in a flower garden. You must wrap the 2 items in white flannel. That's all.

Then go back to your house and light a white candle.

Perform the following invocation aloud:

"Goddess, Wise Mother, 
grant me the power to bind [his name] next to me, 
I offer you his body on earth 
you give me 
his soul forever"

Blow the candle.

Witchcraft to tie a man and maintain their fidelity with their underwear

Get a piece of his underwear and place it in a small bottle, fill the bottle with your urine, and close it. Bury bottle somewhere near your house. He'll be docile and faithful. It shall never depart from you.

If you don't want to use your urine on the spell, you can fill the bottle with alcohol and spit it inside, but you should always use a portion of your fluids.

Spell of love with underwear to keep someone at home

This spell was originally used to keep a "wandering husband" at home, but it certainly can be used on a woman who wants to leave, rather than stay with you (Needless to say, these spells work whether you are heterosexual or homosexual, it's not the point here, love is love). Simply take a piece of used underwear, tie it in a knot, and bury it in the backyard of the House. Your partner will be forced to stay at home, at your side, and want to spend time with you.

Of course, with any of these spells with underwear, the trick is to pray much and concentrate on what you want to achieve. Call your lover by name, and order you that you love, that you be faithful, or to stay by your side, and do it in the name of the father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the purest Hoodoo style.


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